This's been a "risky" week in class. We've been discussing about taking risks from different angles. That's the reason why I considered intriguing to approach the topic in terms of gun possession. I recommend you watching at least the first part of Bowling for Columbine, a 2002 American documentary film written, produced, directed, and narrated by Michael Moore. The film explores what Moore suggests are the causes for the Columbine High School massacre in 1999 and other acts of violence with guns.
As we also talked about taking risks in sports, I found an elllo listening exercise about steroids which may easier to follow than Moore's documentary. Try and have a go!

We have also revised conditionals and future time clauses. However, some important details were introduced to make a better usage of the rule in a wider range of future situations. Therefore, click on the following link to do some further practice. In addition, ELC Study Zone provides explanation on future time clauses and some useful exercises.

However, I'd also like to have one last look at the world of work by means of a new way to introduce one's CV, that is, video CVs. Thus, the following two videos show what this is all about. Watch the following two videos and try to identify the different parts of the CV.
Now you can watch two more very "interesting" video CVs. Wouldyou hire them????

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